Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A little bit of Darkness from Flannery O'Connor

No lies being told, I’m half way through Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood. One major thought is simply how dark this woman writes. I’ve always been aware at how dark and brooding devout Catholics can be, but this is stepping a little beyond what I realized they could be. Anyhow, here are five of the similies/metaphors that we requested last class:

1.” She had theseyer brown glasses and her hair was so thin it looked like ham gravy trickling over her skull.” (O’Connor 47)

2. “The reflection was pale and the eyes were like two clean bullet holes.” (O’Connor 98)

3. “He had on the same kind of uniform as Enoch and he looked like a dried-up spider stuck there.” (O’Connor 97)

4. “…his face had a fragile look as if it might have been broken and stuck together again, or like a gun no one knows is loaded.” (O’Connor 68)

5. “….. a waspish old man who had ridden over three counties with Jesus hidden in his head like a stinger.” (O’Connor 20)

Yep, no doubt, this women is of the dark brooding type.


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