Thursday, November 09, 2006

Exam 2 Notes:

See Alison’s, Emily’s, Patricia’s, and Debbie’s Blog sites for class notes from the last exam to this one.

1. According to Wallace Steven’s a change of style is a change of subject.
2. What is below myth on our pyramid. A: music.
3. In the movie Dead Man who is no man, and what is the meaning of his name?
A: Xechebe → he who talks loud says nothing
4. Which poem of Wallace Steven’s is reminesent of Dead Man:
A: Prologue of What is Possible.
5. Northrop Frye is upset with words that begin with what prefix?
A: De, as in deconstruction. It is the opposite of creation
6. In the movie Dead Man, William Blake takes the blood of _______ and put it in his wound?
A: Blood of a faun
7. What would Dr. Sexson like us to have to done to ourselves before we graduate
A: Physical mutilation. -→ Body remembers too
8. What three phrases we used to analyze Dead Man:
A. 1) Poetry is the Subject of Poem
2) Poetry is a destructive force
3) All things are related.
9. In Invisible Man there is an exchange of insults. What is it referred to as:
A: the dozens
10. In Ellison’s world what inspires democracy?
A: imagination
11. What are the names of the two sheriffs that Bill Blake kills in Dead Man?
A; Lee and Marvin
12. What are the three things that Ike McCasism leaves behind to go hunt the bear?
A: Watch, Rifle, Compass
13. The two forms of imagination at work in Wallace Stevens:
A: creative and decreative
14. The speech concerning the killing of Tod Clifton in Invisible Man resembles which speech? A: Judges and Julius Caesar
15. Who said trust the tale and not the teller?
A: DH Lawrence
16. Intentional Fallacy is what the author intended it to me
17. The character of Rhinehart represents: A. Trickster
18. What starts the Race Riots in IM?
A: Eulogy of Tod Clifton
19. What jazz song open’s Invisible Man?
A: Louis Armstong’s “Black and Blue”
20. What unnamed poem is read in Faulker’s “Bear”
A: John Keats “Ode to A Grecian Urn.”
21. Who did Santa Claus rape?
A; Sybil
22. Who is Sybil? A; The Oracle who uses her voice to draw the hero into the underworld
23. Invisible Man is the response to which serial novelist? A:Horatio Alger
24. Hindu phrases for creation and decreation:
A: Tot tuam asi and Netti-netti
25. Question about dream novel and Invisible Man
26. Define the term parataxis:
A: the linking together of terms in a sentences utilizing and
27. What is Cole Wilson’s title.
A: the Demon Master of Initiation
28. What does synaesthesi mean?
A: the mixing of the senses.


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